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Fully automated customer acquisition, member administration & retention management with A.I.


TRINITY has been digitizing and revolutionizing the fitness industry since 2018. As a pioneer in the industry, they were the first agency to generate online memberships in conjunction with an interface to the popular messenger WhatsApp. TRINITY now supports more than 500 studios and is one of the best-known marketing agencies in the industry. TRINITY is known for offering one of the most intuitive and stable new customer processes in the industry, which is why its customers already include numerous well-known and successful brands such as wellyou, Anytime Fitness, Kraftwerk, JONNY M., Sports Club and many more. In the last 1.5 years alone, the agency has generated over 120,000 members through the TRINITY system and is a pioneer in the field of artificial intelligence.

Vos avantages

  • - Fully automated WhatsApp, Instagram and E-Mail chatbot with real A.I.

  • - Full overview and transparency of marketing data, open rates and all other important data

  • - Less administrative work for your employees: they only have to deal with important cases

Fonctionnalités principales

  • - Fully automated customer acquisition in conjunction with high-quality digital marketing

  • - Recovery of former customers or active terminations

  • - Massive relief for member administration

Configurer l'interface

Malheureusement, l'intégration de TRINITY n'est pas disponible pour les salles de sport situées dans votre pays () et ne peut donc pas être activée dans la Magicline.

Veuillez vous assurer que votre formule Magicline supporte la configuration d'une ou plusieurs intégrations de partenaires afin d'activer cette interface.

Vous n'utilisez pas encore Magicline ? Lancez simplement la démo gratuite ou laissez-vous convaincre des avantages de Magicline lors d'une conversation personnelle.

Pour cette intégration, vous avez besoin d'une Connect API activée.

Vous n'utilisez pas encore Magicline ? Lancez simplement la démo gratuite ou laissez-vous convaincre des avantages de Magicline lors d'une conversation personnelle.

  1. - Please contact TRINITY first to discuss everything necessary in advance.

  2. - Your TRINITY contact person will then take care of all the preparations in conjunction with your IT/administration if necessary.