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MySports Member Platform

Plus de MySports Member Platform

Now combine your Magicline, the proven software for your efficient studio operations, with the new MySports Member Platform from MySports GmbH for ideal member support. With the comprehensive overall package, you can not only motivate and activate your members even more, but also increase your sales at the same time.


The best part? Not only does the new MySports Member Platform package include the top-rated member app with all its features, but also functions that were previously partially included in the higher pricing tiers of your Magicline software. This means you can fully focus on your members.

Vos avantages

  • Customer Loyalty Services

  • Member Services

  • Sales Services

  • Studio Services

Fonctionnalités principales

  • Customer loyalty services
    • Motivate your members in the long term by rewarding them for their activities with the customer loyalty program

    • You get new members, your members get a training buddy and a reward - with the referral program

    • Stay in direct contact with your members thanks to MySports messages

  • Member Services
    • Save time: Let your members manage their data themselves with the self-service

    • Activate your members through a unique training experience with individual training plans, tracking and more

    • Make it easier for your members to book appointments and courses so that everything runs smoothly

  • Sales Services
    • Secure additional income through your online voucher sales

    • Offer your individual services such as day tickets etc. without much effort

    • Drive sales with targeted studio and landing pages

  • Studio Services
    • Make yourself and your studio visible through your web presence - either in the MySports look or in your own studio design

    • Sell additional services directly at the studio touchpoint on your training area

    • The member app either in MySports design or as a Branded App in your own studio design

  • If you start with the MySports Member Platform package, you have the choice between two different member apps:
    • the MySports Member App: including all functions of the MySports Member Platform in the MySports design.

    • the Branded App: let the member app shine in your own studio design! Of course, this includes all functions of the MySports Member Platform.

Configurer l'interface

Malheureusement, l'intégration de MySports Member Platform n'est pas disponible pour les salles de sport situées dans votre pays () et ne peut donc pas être activée dans la Magicline.

Cette intégration est un complément Magicline qui est à votre disposition quel que soit le nombre d'intégrations partenaires définies dans votre formule tarifaire.

  1. Dans votre Magicline, visitez l'App Store et trouvez 'Activate MySports Member Platform'.