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The intelligent chat assistant via WhatsApp with seamless integration into Magicline

Malheureusement, l'intégration de 360°CHAT n'est pas disponible pour les salles de sport situées dans votre pays () et ne peut donc pas être activée dans la Magicline.

Plus de 360°CHAT

360°CHAT connects administrative processes in the fitness studio with the right message at the right time on WhatsApp, the smartphone app that is by far the most frequently used by studio members. The digital employee is always tailored to the individual needs of the club. This relieves studio operators of time-consuming routine work 24/7, promotes service quality and increases operating profits.

**The future of the fitness industry - digitalization with personality**

In a perfectly organized studio, new leads are generated every day and their fitness goals are recorded. They are scheduled for a trial training session and from there guided to the completion of the membership. After that, the staff is available around the clock to answer questions and ensure that all members remain motivated to train, raise any grievances, actively recommend the club on the Internet and even bring their friends. Of course, people who are at risk of quitting receive special attention. Everyone else is offered individual upsells and contract extensions by the team, so that the studio management can look forward to increased sales from happy members.

But unfortunately the reality is usually different: The staff is often understaffed, sick or not very motivated to ask personally for recommendations or upsells. Valuable resources are wasted because generated leads are not processed and consistently converted. After they have been manually transferred to the studio administration and then the contact finally answers the phone on the third attempt, they don't want to be sold anything over the phone or don't have their calendar to hand to schedule the trial training. Cancellations are coming in and no one is trying to talk to the customer. After all, there are always other important tasks to be done, such as filtering out people who don't train much and bringing them back to the studio or answering the same questions from members over and over again.

Therefore, it is now time to hire your new virtual employee called 360°CHAT and offer your human team real relief. He has mastered countless clearly defined rules of conduct from many years of experience and adheres to them strictly. Not only are all of the challenges described mastered automatically 24/7, he is also always friendly, motivated and helpful. Through its in-depth business automation with Magicline, it monitors the check-in behavior of members, organizes appointments and tracks them independently, evaluates contract conclusions and terminations for appropriately prepared follow-up campaigns and offers countless other exciting innovations.

360°CHAT conducts all communication via a modern chat application that everyone has already set up on their smartphone and opens several times a day: WhatsApp. Based on the GDPR-compliant WhatsApp Business API, chats are given visually appealing and useful additional functions to make navigation as easy and effective as possible for users.

Vos avantages

  • ➢ automates sales success

  • - qualifies & schedules leads

  • - confirms & reminds

  • - carries out follow-up processes

  • - accompanies test campaigns

  • - offers creative upsells

  • - increases recommendations

  • ➢ increases customer loyalty

  • - reactivates inactive members

  • - motivates people who don't train much

  • - recovers cancellations

  • - extends contracts

  • - generates feedback & ratings

  • - rewards with points & bonuses

  • - enables live chat

  • ➢ and can do a lot more!

  • - connects all types of lead ads and forms

  • - doesn't let any leads get lost

  • - assigns recruiting and recruited members to each other

  • - answers frequently asked questions and expands with ChatGPT-4

  • - presents results in the dashboard

  • - integrates all other online tools

  • - develops custom-made products for individual needs

  • - manages several studios (chains) in a central installation

  • 360°CHAT provides comprehensive advice and works together to develop tailor-made solutions for individual requirements.

Fonctionnalités principales

  • Processing of lead data from advertisements
    • from lead ad forms and landing pages

    • Entry into the WhatsApp chatbot with automated contact, immediately after entry

    • Goal: automatically lead users to book a trial training session

    • Independent entry of leads in Magicline, according to predefined time rules or context-related user actions including notes on the lead source and personal fitness goals

  • 360°CHAT calendar tool for Magicline
    • Calendar for trial training sessions & member appointments, independent of MySports

    • Smart transfer of user data and tracking parameters to the calendar

    • Direct synchronization with the Magicline appointment book (creates leads and enters appointments)

    • as a direct link and embedded in the website

  • Appointment management via WhatsApp
    • Appointment confirmation, reminder and follow-ups for trial training sessions and, if desired, also for "normal" member appointments

    • Users can reschedule and cancel appointments independently via chat incl. automatic comparison with Magicline

  • Follow-ups after the trial training
    • automated WhatsApp communication if no membership was concluded after the trial training

    • Goal: offer online membership or arrange a callback

  • Check-in follow-ups via WhatsApp for members
    • creative follow-ups that are sent on autopilot after a visit to the studio according to time and context-related rules

    • e.g. service content, upsells and contract extensions, feedback surveys, friends-bring-friends, points & rewards, newsletters and much more.

  • Reactivation of inactive members
    • Recognition of people who have not checked in for 3 weeks

    • Automated communication regarding reasons for absence + corresponding appointment arrangements

    • Alarm to operator if the member still does not come to training 2 weeks after the WhatsApp campaign

  • Cancellation management
    • Follow-up campaigns after receipt of a cancellation via WhatsApp according to defined rules

  • Customer service via WhatsApp
    • Operators of the channel receive notifications as soon as personal attention is required and can join the conversation live at any time if desired

  • Individual extensions
    • Implementation of individual customer requests for automation in connection with the Magicline API or WhatsApp campaigns

  • 360°CHAT Dashboard
    • Mirroring of daily key figures, e.g. number of new leads per campaign, trial training sessions per campaign, new memberships per campaign

Configurer l'interface

Malheureusement, l'intégration de 360°CHAT n'est pas disponible pour les salles de sport situées dans votre pays () et ne peut donc pas être activée dans la Magicline.

Veuillez vous assurer que votre formule Magicline supporte la configuration d'une ou plusieurs intégrations de partenaires afin d'activer cette interface.

Vous n'utilisez pas encore Magicline ? Lancez simplement la démo gratuite ou laissez-vous convaincre des avantages de Magicline lors d'une conversation personnelle.

Pour cette intégration, vous avez besoin d'une Connect API activée.

Vous n'utilisez pas encore Magicline ? Lancez simplement la démo gratuite ou laissez-vous convaincre des avantages de Magicline lors d'une conversation personnelle.

  1. Dans votre Magicline, visitez l'App Store et trouvez 'Activate 360°CHAT'.

  2. Consulting & Setup are carried out individually by 360°CHAT technical support.