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Malheureusement, l'intégration de cardioscan n'est pas disponible pour les salles de sport situées dans votre pays () et ne peut donc pas être activée dans la Magicline.

Plus de cardioscan

cardioscan relies on body data. Because this is the best guide for training, nutrition and regeneration. That is why cardioscan uses its systems to create individual recommendations from body data. Sports and health providers can use the intelligent diagnostic solutions to visualize internal values in a simple and understandable way.


The mescan

The mescan is cardioscan's groundbreaking diagnostic tool that analyzes the entire body in just 45 seconds. With precise measurements of heart rate variability, stress levels, body composition and metabolism, it provides essential information for customized training plans and recommendations. Discover how the mescan can optimize your gym or practice. Best of all, the mescan can be operated by your customers themselves. No appointments or staff are required.

The checkpoint

The best basis for professional support is the measured values of your own body. Because these determine the right intensity of training, the right diet and the right amount of regeneration. The 360-degree view of the cardioscan checkpoint is the perfect basis for this, as it combines all the necessary measurements and allows intelligent recommendations for action to emerge from the measurement results. If high-quality coaching for your customers is important to you, then the checkpoint is your ideal screening system.

Vos avantages

  • The interface transfers essential information for the perfect support of training customers and enables uncomplicated monetization of the mescan. Digital coaching with the mescan can be booked as an additional service within the membership and linked to the contract. Access control is carried out via the interface. The interaction between mescan and Magicline enables uncomplicated up-sell opportunities.

Fonctionnalités principales

  • Integration into the Magicline software enables easy access to the measurement results. This makes customer consultation easy and convenient.

  • The measurement data is displayed in the cardioscan-typical design so that it is also easy to understand within Magicline.

  • This gives the trainer a quick and uncomplicated overview of the activities on the mescan.

Configurer l'interface

Malheureusement, l'intégration de cardioscan n'est pas disponible pour les salles de sport situées dans votre pays () et ne peut donc pas être activée dans la Magicline.

Veuillez vous assurer que votre formule Magicline supporte la configuration d'une ou plusieurs intégrations de partenaires afin d'activer cette interface.

Vous n'utilisez pas encore Magicline ? Lancez simplement la démo gratuite ou laissez-vous convaincre des avantages de Magicline lors d'une conversation personnelle.

  1. Dans votre Magicline, visitez l'App Store et trouvez 'Activate cardioscan'.

  2. cardioscan will activate your studio promptly, usually within a few days

  3. You will receive information from cardioscan to the e-mail address stored in the Magicline

  4. The prerequisite for functional integration is a mescan with an RFID reader. The RFID reader is currently necessary to enable the assignment of the measurement data to the customer data in Magicline. If you do not have an RFID reader installed on your mescan, it can also be retrofitted.

  5. No integration is currently implemented for the checkpoint, but we are working on a concept to make this possible in the future.