Unfortunately, the integration of Briefversand E-Post isn't available for gyms located in your country () and therefore cannot be activated in the Magicline.
About Briefversand E-Post
Business letters are sent very conveniently via the Communication Center in Magicline - basically, they leave the company digitally and then reach the customer as a printed letter, just as they used to. Once a letter has been sent to a member, your document is automatically forwarded online to the mailing center, printed out, enveloped, stamped and delivered by letter carrier.
Benefits for you
Automated letter dispatch eliminates the costs for postage, working time and materials and replaces them with a transparent cost model that provides various options for dispatch. All costs incurred are of course tax-deductible. Billing takes place at the end of the month via your Magicline invoice.
Dispatch via our E-Post partner is fully integrated into Magicline and therefore offers a wide range of simplifications and application scenarios.
Binect GmbH, based in Weiterstadt, is a full service provider for digital letter dispatch in the SME sector and a leading system house for digital output management solutions in the large customer and bulk mailing segment. In all service areas, Binect ensures demonstrable compliance with strict statutory data protection and IT security standards, which are monitored by independent bodies and documented with certificates.
Most relevant functionalities
Important studio information as a form letter
Reminder run directly as a collective letter
Individual letter to a member
Entry of rest periods, notices of termination or return debit notes
Set up interface
Unfortunately, the integration of Briefversand E-Post isn't available for gyms located in your country () and therefore cannot be activated in the Magicline.
This integration is a Magicline add-in that is available to you regardless of the number of partner integrations defined within your price package.
If you are a customer in Germany, this integration is directly available to you and does not need to be activated.